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Spring here in West Central Texas is a super important time to take care of your trees after the long winter months. Especially with all of the storms with high winds, we’ve been having lately.  Here are some spring tree care tips that can help keep your property safe and looking great: Inspect your trees:…

We do have a lot of Bradford Pear trees around the Abilene area but these trees do have a hidden danger and will eventually need to be removed. They are quick-growing ornamental shade trees that are not native to Texas. They get to be about 20 feet tall and are pretty when they bloom in…

Our tree service sees this type of work all the time, fast-growing trees that need to be removed. Many people, especially in newer subdivision demand shade, and they want it now. The problem: our brutal west Texas weather of sizzling summers and (at times) unforgiving sub-freezing temperatures. There are a number of fast-growing trees that…

Understanding the Difference Between Tree Trimming and Pruning Though tree trimming and pruning sound similar, they are actually different. Tree trimming is generally performed for aesthetic reasons. This can include shaping the tree or removing dead branches from the tree. On the other hand, pruning is a horticultural practice that is performed in order to…

For many Texas homeowners, the last thing on their minds in the winter may be doing tree trimming in winter months. However, there are several good reasons to schedule your tree trimming for the winter months or toward the end of winter. In some instances, it is the preferred time of the year to prune…

Consider the top 6 things we believe you need to look for in a tree service in the Abilene,TX area. When you are looking for a tree removal service, we believe there are six important things to keep in mind when choosing a tree removal service. 1. Insurance. We believe it’s a biggy. It’s an…

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Serving Abilene, TX , Weatherford, TX, Snyder, TX, San Angelo, TX and West Central Texas
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